Saturday, July 26, 2014


Chris over at NIBBLE ME THIS invented this awesome soup that has become a family favorite here at our house! I've adapted it to what I had on hand and it was fabulous!

I loved Chris' choices:
Fat -  Had to be butter, since that goes into hot wing sauce, right?
Mirepoix - Celery & carrot.  Celery because it is a standard accompaniment and carrot to help get the orange color I wanted.
Starch - I thought about using potatoes but went with buttery croutons instead.
Liquid - Chicken broth, beer and hot sauce - a no brainer

Hot Wing Soup
adapted from
1 stick unsalted butter
5 cups Italian bread cubes, no crust* I used San Luis Cracked Wheat Sourdough
1/2 cup finely diced carrot
1/4 cup finely diced celery
salt (see instructions)
1/2 Tbsp paprika I used Sweet Hungarian
4 cups chicken broth
12 oz dark beer* I used Amberbock that I had on hand
2 Tbsp hot sauce*  I used Frank's
1/4 cup blue cheese crumbles I used gorgonzola
garnish:  meat from chicken wings, more blue gorgonzola cheese, chopped celery leaves*
  • Preheat a heavy bottom stock pan over medium high heat.
  • Add 3 tablespoons butter.  Once bubbling hot, add the bread cubes and quickly toss to coat evenly.  Season with a pinch or two of salt.  Cook until golden brown on all sides - about 5-7 minutes.  Remove.
  • Reduce heat to medium, add 4 tablespoons butter to the now empty pot.  Saute the celery and carrot until tender - about 8 minutes.  Season with a pinch or two of salt while sauteing.  
  • Add the chicken broth, beer, paprika, gorgonzola cheese, and the croutons that you made earlier.  Bring to a simmer and cook until the bread begins to break apart - about 5-6 minutes.
  • Use an immersion blender to blend to a smooth consistency.
  • Bring back to a simmer and stir in the last tablespoon of cold butter.  I know that technique at the end of sauces adds a little luster so I thought it couldn't hurt with soup.  Taste for seasoning.  I added about 1/2 teaspoon more of salt at this point but let your taste buds be the judge.
  • Garnish with chicken wing meat, more cheese crumbles, and finely chopped celery leaves.
Chris' Notes
  • Bread - I know, this sounds like a lot.  It will cook down.   He's so right!!
  • Beer - I used Sweetwater Brewing Georgia Brown but any good dark beer will do.  You could also skip beer altogether and use more chicken broth but beer and wings go together, right?
  • Hot sauce - The family thought it was a little spicy at this level so if you want mild, just use one Tbsp Franks Hot Sauce would be the traditional hot sauce to use but I used Fire Ant Juice.
  • Celery leaves - Weird?  I like chopping them finely for a garnish.  Use parsley instead if you like.
  • Makes 4 servings

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