Many of you know that these past few years have been all about "others"
needs and that very soon I will be stepping down from that caretaker
role to take care of myself. One of the things I have learned most is
that everyone has a different attitude AND that attitude can and will define you, if you let it. I recently saw a plaque somewhere (sure wish I could remember where) but I found it here
on the internet. I thought it would be nice to share as a motivational
tool. Have a wonderful summer weekend! Me, I'm hoping to hit some
garage sales and maybe take in a movie.
Instead of a recipe this week I leave you with the
many people, dieting is like a death sentence as it symbolizes the end
of their love affair with food. Gone are the weeklong - or even
month-long - binges that are replaced by a strict regimen of healthy
eating and exercise.
perfect, especially when it comes to what they eat. If you try to do
things exactly by the book and consume every meal on plan, you're
setting yourself up for failure. The time will come when you want to
enjoy a small piece of cake to celebrate your son's birthday. Maybe you
just want to feast on a bowl of lobster bisque at your favorite
restaurant that you only go to once a year.
heart - you can indulge and still stay on a healthy meal plan. A good
rule of thumb is to try and stay on track 90% of the time and feel
comfortable straying no more than 10% of the time. No weight loss
program will succeed if you feel like you're being deprived. Today show
nutritionist Joy Bauer is a big proponent of consuming 90 percent of
your diet from healthy foods and 10 percent from fun foods.
90 percent of your food, follow these guidelines. Consume three
servings of whole wheat starches a day. Eat at least two servings of
fresh fruit. Eat as many fresh vegetables as you like. Have a lean
protein with each meal. Limit the amount of fats at each meal.
other 10 percent of the foods you eat should come from those fun foods.
Bauer even has a list that includes one ounce dark chocolate, ½ cup
low-fat ice cream, 1 ounce pretzels, 1 ounce baked chips, 7 cups light
popcorn, 4 licorice sticks and more.
enjoying your favorite treats in moderation, you won't be saddled with
feelings of deprivation, which will make it far easier to lose.
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